.380 Body Gaurd - While the .380 ACP will always be the contract weapon, it is more effective than a single strong case in stopping a killer. It is at this point that I am reviewing the S&W Bodyguard 380 today.

Going head-to-head with a traditional 1911 or Hellcat Pro, the Bodyguard 380 will fail. But on its own, is it a decent gun CCW? That's what I want to know.

.380 Body Gaurd

.380 Body Gaurd

The Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 is a small semi-automatic pistol chambered for the 380 ACP cartridge. It was introduced ten years ago and has been a staple part of the Smith & Wesson line.

Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 Red Blaze Edition 380 Acp Pistol, Laser

The Bodyguard 380 is the only double-action pistol that is a direct competitor to pistols like the Glock 42 and Ruger LCP. It's about the size most people would choose for a pocket gun. It is often seen as a backup weapon in the law enforcement community.

The horns are black and serrated to reduce glare. They are small and can be difficult to see, especially in low light. However, they are glued in place, so you can replace them with something more visible if you choose to do so.

Smith & Wesson considers the Bodyguard 380 part of the MP&P line of fine firearms. Body aside, the gun doesn't fit in with the rest of the military/police line as it uses completely different manufacturing, actions, etc.

The pistol I am reviewing here is the company's latest version of the Bodyguard 380. It is also the only version of the model still offered by the company.

S&w Bodyguard .380

The original Bodyguard 380 pistol comes with a red laser. This is understandable because the gun sights are not very good. However, many people prefer a version without laser.

In fact, the LAPD allows the Bodyguard 380 to be used as a backup gun, but only if the officer turns off the laser on the department's guard. Smith & Wesson found that everyone wanted a version without additional aiming equipment. Therefore, this version is made.

Interestingly, all other models have been discontinued. I can imagine that many people want a gun without a laser.

.380 Body Gaurd

If you want the Bodyguard 380 with a laser, Crimson Trace offers the option to upgrade your current Bodyguard to one. See here.

Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380

Weapon cost is determined by size. I see guns as tools and I want them to work reliably. If the gun doesn't go off every time you pull the trigger, it has little value to me.

I also wanted to see how the gun would feel in my hands. The theoretical accuracy of Ransom Rest is one thing, but shooting a gun with the associated sights and feel of recoil can have an actual accuracy effect.

The scope I am using in this review is on loan from Smith & Wesson. It looked like new when I got it, so I cleaned it off in the first place and cleaned it of any post-production dirt before taking the photo.

I used to take the gun to the shooting range a few times and put almost 1,000 rounds through it in a few weeks.

Smith & Wesson M&p Bodyguard 380 Holster

Honestly, I don't have as many rounds for this gun as I did when testing the 9mm. However, five different prices, which completely lost only 1 thousand. ammo, the test is better than most people will do on this gun.

Handling - This gun is small and has a short start. Even with the pink extension on the magazine base, my whole hand didn't fit on the gun. There is a good chance that you will face the same problem.

If you get the gun short as part of the trade for a small gun, you'll be fine. Other shooters may want a bigger gun.

.380 Body Gaurd

The length of the drink will affect the drink. The gun wants to move a little in the hand.

Smith & Wesson Bodyguard Red Laser 2.75in 380 Auto Black Polymer Adj 6+1rd

While the .380 ACP cartridge doesn't have much recoil when fired from the handgun, it can be harder than you might expect. Therefore, you want to have a firm grip on the gun to maintain control during the reloading process.

The trigger is long and snappy. Bodyguard 380 has a bad trigger. It's not the worst thing I've ever said, but it's not even in the same area as a good trigger.

Once you start pumping, you should eat well. Otherwise, you may have to stop halfway and have lunch. I mean it's long.

I have carried several J revolvers in my pocket for over 30 years. These are all DAO guns and none of them have such a bad trigger.

Smith And Wesson M&p Bodyguard 380 With Laser Brown Leather

Availability - Availability is a good reason for a subcompact gun. In fact, a better trigger can improve the accuracy and precision of this gun. So it can be a better set of attractions.

Regardless, I was not disappointed by the accuracy that the Bodyguard 380 offered. At 7 yards, you can reliably hit a human-sized target as fast as you pull the trigger. That's enough for this gun.

Velocity is the average of five shots measured with a chronograph 9 inches in front of the muzzle. Speed ​​is measured in feet per second.

.380 Body Gaurd

The Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 is a solid, reliable gun based on my testing. It has been in the company catalog for ten years so I am satisfied that any major issues will have been discovered by now.

Smith And Wesson Bodyguard 380 [2022 Review]

If you want a shotgun with a DAO trigger, you could do worse than the Bodyguard. Remember that you should test any firearm you plan to carry before using this gun.

If you are interested in purchasing the S&W Bodyguard 380, I suggest you use one of my affiliate links below. Each of these companies are people I have worked with in the past. They offer fair prices and will ship to a local dealer.

There are many gun bloggers and YouTubers who get guns for free - they keep them, not just take a loan. How many people have said that to you?

The gun for this review is a Smith & Wesson loan. When the review was complete, I returned it to them. S&W did not pay me to do this review, nor did I ask for a positive review of the gun.

Gun Review: Smith & Wesson Bodyguard Crimson Trace Laser .380 Acp

Some of the links on this page and website are affiliate links. These links are to companies I work with. If you choose to purchase one of these links, I earn a small commission. GHG is a profitable website; this is how I feed my family. Affiliate links allow me to keep my content free and avoid tons of pop-ups and other annoying ads.

Have questions or feedback about this review? Feel free to comment below. I just ask that you comment socially because this is a family friendly site.

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